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No. 12 NYPC 1-2-3 / S Y M P H O N Y N E W S L E T T E R Oct 84
2 +----------------------------------------------------------+ 2
1 +----------------------------------------------------------+ 1
Welcome to the N.Y. 1-2-3/Symphony We were very pleased to have over
Users Group. Our Newsletter is 50 students enroll in our initial
divided into two sections: presentation of Symphony courses.
Both the Beginning and Advanced
Courses will be repeated, starting
SECTION 1:LOTUS NEWS. Pages 4-23. January 7. See page 26 for details.
Here we feature news about the
latest products related to 1-2-3 We are also delighted to report
and Symphony, how the two Lotus that according to the lastest
Programs are doing on the current popularity ratings, Symphony and
popularity charts, and what new 1-2-3 are now running neck-in-neck
"goodies" Lotus' competitors claim for leadership in the integrated
to offer. software market, with Framework
trailing far behind. See pages 4
and 14 for more information on
SECTION 2:CLUB NEWS. Pages 25-30. Symphony's spectactular success.
Our club activites are outlined on
page 25. On page 31, you have an Our next meeting will include a
opportunity to become an active talk by Doug Cobb, editor of the
participant in the New York 1-2-3/ Symphony Users Journal, on why he
Symphony Users Group. It's as believes Symphony is a superior
easy as 1-2-3. program to Framework. See p. 6.
The N.Y. 1-2-3/Symphony Users Group is a Special Interest Group
of the N.Y. IBM P.C. Users Group.
For N.Y. IBM PC Users Group information, call 533-NYPC.
Current N.Y. 1-2-3/Symphony Membership . . 756
This is the first Newsletter which Naturally, we will be quite
we are including in the "World of interested in your comments or
Lotus" Forum. suggestions.
As indicated on pages 9 and 10 of We would also welcome your
this Newsletter, we are quite participation in our Users Group.
excited about the "World of Lotus" While we are based in New York, we
and its potential to help Forum have over 250 subscribers from
Members make more effective use of outside the New York City
their 1-2-3 and Symphony Programs. Metropolitan area.
The Newsletter, as it appears on The Newsletter is being made
your screen, is identical to the available to you free of charge.
Newsletter which we are However, we have considerable
distributing to our Members except expenses in preparing the
for the following pages: Newsletter. We would appreciate it
if you would also subscribe to our
All ads have been removed from the Newsletter or send us a donation to
World of Lotus copy. This omits help our Users Group meet some of
pages 2, 3, 12, 13, 24 and 28. these expenses. See the last page
for information on the address
Page 5 is a typewritten form of the where you may send your
Softsel information which appears subscription or donation.
in our Newsletter.
We also welcome advertisers to
Special print attributes and page participate in our Newsletter.
breaks have been eliminated to While the ads have been omitted
facilitate on-line reading. from the Newsletter appearing in
the World of Lotus Forum, we do
The Newsletter, as it appears on maintain a loyal group of
the Bulletin Board, may be advertisers who have found the
downloaded and copied by any Forum Newsletter beneficial in promoting
member. their products.
Within one month of the release of Softsel's chairman David Wagman,
Symphony to the public on July 3, (Computer Systems News 9/10-41)
the younger sibling of 1-2-3 reports that "Softsel has shipped
accomplished a feat unable to be more units (of Symphony) in less
achieved by any other "rival" of time than any other product."
According to forecasts of software
Softsel reported, in its survey seers, the future for Symphony
ending August 7, that Symphony had remains equally bright.
surpassed the hitherto unabeatable
1-2-3 in sales. This marks the Harvey Bundy (Computer Systems New
first time since the advent of 9/10-47) predicts that Symphony's
1-2-3 over 18 months ago that 1-2-3 sales will stabilize at between
did not appear in the #1 position. 25,000 and 30,000 at year end,
making it either #1 or #2 in sales
Two months later, Softsel reports over the next year, probably
(see opposite page) that Symphony dependent upon how strongly 1-2-3
continues to run neck-and-neck with continues to be demanded.
1-2-3, except that 1-2-3 has once
again regained its long-held #1 Similarly, Jim Seymour, a columnist
position. However, since Symphony for PC Week (6/7-25), predicts, "I
is also represented by a companion think Lotus will probably ship
product, "1-2-3 to Symphony", which 100,000 of their $200 Symphony
stands at #7, it is possible that upgrades in the last half of
the sales of the two Symphony 1984."
products, if combined, would retain
the coveted #1 position for Seymour adds: "Getting the product
Symphony. onto 100,000 desks in six months is
known as `capturing the market'."
Just how close the intra-family
rivalry of Symphony and 1-2-3 is, The New York Times reports
was detailed in a recent issue of (10/12-D2): "As a result of the
Computer Systems News (9/10-41). success of its Lotus 1,2,3 and
CSN reports that during the first Symphony programs, sales at Lotus
two months after Symphony was have risen dramatically in the last
introduced, Symphony sold 65,000 year. It posted revenues of $53
copies while 1-2-3 was only million during 1983, its first year
slightly ahead with 70,000. of operation, and industry analysts
expect revenues to reach $140
Framework, Symphony's arch-rival, million to $160 million this year."
while briefly appearing in That's a three-fold increase over
Softsel's top ten during August, an historic first year!
has now skidded out of this favored
list, and has fallen to the The stock market has duly taken
disappointingly low position of notice of Symphony's spectacular
#20. See p. 16 for more details on success. Since the public release
the suprisingly poor showing of of the Symphony program, the price
Framework in the closely-watched of Lotus stock has increased
Symphony-Framework contest. approximately 50%.
T H E M U S I C B E G I N S (Continued)
S O F T S E L H O T L I S T (tm)
------------- ----- -------
This Week
1 1-2-3
2 Symphony
3 PFS:File
4 Multiplan
5 Chart
6 PFS:Write
7 PFS:Report
8 1-2-3 to Symphony
9 Filevision
10 Thinktank
20 Framework
The HOT LIST is compiled from Softsel sales to
over 9,000 retail outlets in 50 states and
45 countries.
T H E M U S I C B E G I N S (Continued)
Since the introduction on February We are also be presenting this same
14 of the Symphony Program, the disk of Lotus Contest Macros to our
N.Y. 1-2-3/Symphony Users Group Members through our Software
has been honored to have three Library. See page 29 for details
presentations by Lotus of the on how to obtain our public domain
Symphony Program, including a live Symphony disks.
demonstration in July of the
Symphony Program by Chris Morgan, We are currently forming, within
Vice-President of Communications our Users Group, a Subgroup devoted
for Lotus. to actual users of the Symphony
Program. This group will be headed
In conjunction with Chris' talk, we by Barbara Brown of Morgan
presented in the June and July Guaranty. See page 25 for details
issues of our Newsletter a two part on this new Subgroup.
interview with him on questions
which we have found of greatest The unexpected acclaim accorded
interest to our Members concerning earlier this year by the computer
the Symphony Program. media to a rival of Symphony,
Framework, has resulted in creating
We are following up our initial a contest between Lotus and
presentations of Symphony with Ashton-Tate of historic importance.
monthly articles in our newsletter
providing the latest news about Because of the significance of this
Symphony and its major competitors. contest and its impact on the
future of the microcomputing
We are also about to offer, for the industry, the N.Y. 1-2-3/Symphony
second time, two courses in Users Group decided to embark on an
Symphony - Beginning and Advanced - extensive program to aid our
which will begin on January 7. We members in reaching their own
are delighted to report that over conclusions in the Great
50 students enrolled in the Symphony-Framework Debate. See
Beginning and Advanced Symphony page 14 for details.
Courses during the first time they
were offered in September - Next month, Doug Cobb, author of
November of this year. See page 26 the textbook, "Mastering Symphony",
for details on our Symphony and publisher of the Symphony Users
Courses. Journal, will be concluding our
presentation of the Symphony
We were delighted to have been able Framework debate with a talk
to include a set of Macros in our detailing why he believes Symphony
Advanced Course which were initally is a superior product to Framework.
developed at Lotus, as part of a Doug's talk will be the counterpart
Contest conducted internally to to Adam Green's presentation in
promote the understanding and August, where he claimed
appreciation of Symphony's Command Framework's superiority to the
Language. Symphony Program.
T H E M U S I C B E G I N S (Continued)
In conjunction with Doug Cobb's On word processing, Cobb states,
appearance before our next Users "Symphony's word processor is the
Group meeting, we are including easiest part of the program to
within this Newsletter excerpts learn and use. That ease of use
from a review which Doug recently does not imply that Symphony's word
wrote on Symphony. processor is an incomplete program.
On the contrary, Symphony is one of
Cobb's article begins, "Do you the most functional word processors
remember how you felt when you we have seen."
first saw Lotus 1-2-3 in action?
If you were like me, after a few Cobb concludes, "By now, it should
minutes of watching 1-2-3 operate, be clear that Symphony is, in my
you began to think of all the ways opinion, an excellent program."
you could use the program, and a
small smile crept onto your face. He ends his review on an
When I worked with Lotus' new interesting conjecture, "I think
product, Symphony, for the first Symphony has a chance gradually to
time I had exactly the same replace 1-2-3 as the number one
feeling; only this time the smile business software product."
was a full-fledged grin.
Cobb then goes on to elaborae on Doug Cobb's review is typical of
why he regards Symphony as an the numerous other evaluations of
"incredible product". Symphony which we have noted in our
previous issues.
With regard to the windowing capa-
bility, he states, "Probably the For example, Popular Computing
most obvious change in Symphony, is presented a highly laudatory review
the program's windowing system. of Symphony, which we included in
Once you get the hang of it, the May issue of our Newsletter.
Symphony's windows are fairly easy In that review, Paul Bonner, Senior
to manage, and they add terrific Editor of Popular Computing,
flexibility to the program." writes, "Symphony is aptly titled.
When you add together the parts
Cobb says of Symphony's graphics, played by each of the sections of a
"Probably the nicest feature of symphonic orchestra or by each of
Symphony is its ability to display the applications within Symphony,
a worksheet and a graph on the the results is something uniquely
screen at the same time." powerful and compelling. Symphony
includes and integrates all of the
On the database function, he most popular productivity
writes, "Symphony's data base is applications as elegantly as any
substantially improved over 1-2-3's system on the personal computer
data base. With the combination of market. Because of that, it would
the enchance data base and the new be a wise choice for many people to
Symphony Command Language, Lotus is make Symphony the first program
clearly challenging the stand-alone they ever buy. It could end up
programmable data base managers being the only program they'll ever
(especially dBASE II)." need."
T H E M U S I C B E G I N S (Continued)
During the past five months, the As part of this seminar, Lotus
N.Y. 1-2-3/Symphony Users Group presented the participants with a
has been preoccupied with the program called Decode.exe, a
historic confrontation between valuable aid to add-in developers
Symphony and Framework for and others who wish to understand
supremacy in the integrated the specific layouts of the
software market. Symphony and 1-2-3 files. We are
delighted to report that we are
The surprisingly poor showing of making the Decode.exe program
Framework in this Contest and the available to our Members via the
spectacular success of Symphony Software Library. See page 29.
(see page 4), now permits our Users
Group to turn its attention from One example of the new literature
the Symphony-Framework Contest to to come out of Symphony's success
providing its members with more is the Symphony Users Journal,
effective ways of utilizing published by our next speaker, Doug
Symphony to meet their programming Cobb. This is a monthly periodical
needs. dedicated to users of the Symphony
Program. Regular features of the
Although the Symphony Program was Journal will include major articles
released only a few months ago, about each of Symphony's
numerous vendors, anticipating the components, a monthly column on the
popularity which Symphony has Symphony Command Language, and
achieved, announced plans to reviews of products designed to
produce add-ins, templates, enhance the Symphony Program.
utilities, literature, etc. to
supplement the Symphony Program. Forthcoming issues of our
Newsletter will focus heavily on
In addition, it has been reported the burgeoning number of books,
(Computers & Electronics 9/84-112) disks, videotapes, templates,
that Lotus itself will be offering utilities, and add-ins which are
add-ins to Symphony in such areas being daily announced to meet the
as spelling checkers, project needs of Symphony Users, as well as
management, and appointment the many computers being announced
calendars. as providing Symphony support.
Seminars sponsored by Lotus were As one example, we cite a recent ad
recently held in Boston and San of NCR (New York Times 10/11-D15)
Francisco, where Lotus offered which carries the following
detailed information to prospective headline: "THE PERFECT INSTRUMENT
add-in developers on how they may FOR YOUR SYMPHONY IS NOW PERFORMING
cooperate with Lotus in marketing AT AN NCR DEALER NEAR YOU." Sounds
their add-ins. One of the a lot like the ads appearing
participants, Enno Bekker, has regularly in the media in which
kindly provided our Newsletter with vendors attempt to promote their
a detailed account of the seminar's products by having them associated
activities (see page 11). with 1-2-3.
One of the more significant Each month, Lotus publishes its own
developments to come out of Newsletter, called the "Lotus
Symphony has been the "World of Newsletter", which appears on the
Lotus", a Bulletin Board System World of Lotus BBS.
Lotus now sponsors on CompuServe.
The September issue contained the
Purchasers of Symphony are following articles:
automatically entitled to one hour
of free time on World of Lotus as a 1. Lotus Compatibility
result of their purchase of the 2. 1-2-3/Symphony Exchange Program
Symphony Program. It is difficult 3. 1-2-3 - Did you know?
to see how they can resist becoming 4. Symphony - Did you know?
a steady user of this System. 5. Symphony Questions and Answers
6. Symphony Courseware
Many of you may, in fact, be 7. 1-2-3 for the PC Jr.
reading this Newsletter from the 8. Tips on Using 1-2-3.
World of Lotus Bulletin Board,
since our Newsletter is available The feature of the World of Lotus
to users of World of Lotus users to we found most exciting was the
both observe and download. Symphony User Forum. It is
possible, in this Forum, to ask any
The World of Lotus contains so many question whatsoever about Symphony
valuable features that we can only and expect a reply within 24-48
summarize a few of the major ones hours. Furthermore, a user can
in this article. We will be going browse through approximately 200
into much more detail on the questions and answers of other
benefits of this System in members of the Forum. The
subsequent issues. information which can be obtained
in this manner about Symphony is
We also found that the Symphony incredibly invaluable.
Program's communications features
were extremely helpful in accessing The XA Files, while technically a
World of Lotus. See the following part of the Symphony User Forum,
page for a complete description of offer a distinct but equally
how we used Symphony's commu- important benefit to Symphony
nications system in conjunction users. On these files appear
with the World of Lotus BBS. numerous examples of Macros and
other Symphony programs, each of
which can be downloaded without
In this issue of our Newsletter, we cost by a World of Lotus user. As
will focus on three major features well as being of benefit in their
of the World of Lotus: intended area of application, the
XA files are extraordinarily
. The Lotus Newsletter helpful as an educational tool in
. The Symphony User Forum mastering the fine points of the
. The XA Files Symphony Program.
by Dr. Bernard Backhaut
This section of the Newsletter is Once having captured information
devoted to applications which our into our spreadsheet, we were later
Users Group is making of the able to browse through the captured
Symphony Program. data off-line. We then further
removed any unwanted messages and
In the July and August Newsletters, edited those messages which were of
we explained how the Word interest to us.
Processing features of Symphony
have been extremely helpful in World of Lotus contains many
writing our Users Group Newsletter. Symphony files of value to our
Members, which have been donated by
In this issue, we discuss how the Lotus to users on a public domain
communications features of Symphony basis. We were easily able to
are currently aiding us in download these files, using the
obtaining important information for Symphony File-Transfer command.
our Members from the World of Lotus
Bulletin Board (see page 9 for a At one time, we had a question
description of the World of Lotus about Symphony which required Lotus
System). to examine a file of ours. We were
able to upload this file to Lotus
Symphony's communications package without effort, using an option in
permits the login of our Users the File-Transfer command.
Group computer with the World of Examination of the uploaded file
Lotus to occur in a completely enabled Lotus to answer our
automatic fashion. The entire question readily.
sequence of keystrokes, from the
beginning of the call to the World One of our members wanted some
of Lotus, until access of the information which we had obtained
Symphony Users Forum is from the World of Lotus. The
accomplished, happens automatically Wait-Mode command enabled our
through presetting appropriate computer to answer the member's
parameters on a Communications call automatically and ready a
Settings Sheet. connection with his computer for
transmittal of the data to him.
Once having logged in to the Lotus
Bulletin Board, we were then able, As is evident from the above
by utilizing Symphony's capture discussion, we have found the
mode, to transfer information of Symphony communications package a
importance about Symphony, from the tremendous aid in simplifying our
World of Lotus BBS to a Symphony interactions with the World of
spreadsheet on our computer. Lotus Bulletin Board System and
enabling us to obtain information
Moreover, we are able easily to of benefit to our Members.
selectively capture only messages
from the Lotus BBS of interest to In the next issue, we will describe
our Users Group, because the how the Data Base features of
Capture facility of Symphony has Symphony have helped us in
the capability to be turned off and reorganizing our Mailing List and
on merely by pressing the Capture in printing Labels for our
function key repeatedly. Newsletter.
by Enno Becker
Lotus is enlisting independent The Library Manager, known inform-
software developers to extend ally as "Hyperspace", is an espec-
Symphony's capabilities into new ially exciting feature for Symphony
areas by providing technical spec- programmers. Once a macro has been
ifications and new programming developed in the usual way, it may
tools for 1-2-3 and Symphony. In a be removed from the worksheet and
series of Technical Conferences for placed in a special area in memory.
Independent Developers held re- The Range Names remain active and
cently in Boston and San Francisco, the code has the same effects when
Lotus released previously pro- executed. The macros remain
prietary information and announced present, as worksheet files are
several new programming tools. saved and retrieved.
The Worksheet File Format for both In the most far-ranging discussion
1-2-3 and Symphony has been of the day, Lotus software dev-
published by Lotus. The codes and opment engineers described Sym-
layouts used in the variable-length phony's Add-in Tools facility.
records are completely described in Using procedures and object modules
a document which may be obtained from Lotus, qualified independent
from the User Group Software developers will soon be able to
Library (see page 29). write applications which become
part of Symphony, sharing access to
Lotus has also developed and re- the worksheet and user interface.
leased to the public domain a The creation of an Add-In requires
program called DECODE.EXE. The sophisticated programming in C or
program will read any WKS or WRK assembly language.
file and print a record by record
translation. DECODE.EXE can also As a system designer involved in
be obtained from our Software several Symphony projects, I
Library. believe that the new products will
increase confidence in Symphony's
Three products were announced for capabilities as a foundation for
release in the first quarter of specialized applications.
1985. The 1-2-3 Macro Conversion
Aid will perform a direct trans- I am currently involved in
tion from 1-2-3 code to the Sym- standardizing Symphony programming
phony equivalent. The Range Input techniques for more effective use
Add-In will create a Symphony in large projects. Readers who are
capability similar to the Range interested in additional infor-
Input command of 1-2-3. The mation about the conference or in
Command Language Library Manager discussing Symphony programming
will allow macro programs to be techniques are invited to contact
logically separated from data. me at (212) 807-9206.
A-to-Z All-in-1 Unison SeriesOnePlus
Jack2 SuperCalc3 TMakerIII VisiCalcIV
4 in 1 Integrated7 20-20 Peachtext5000
Electric Desk Soft Office Silicon Office Integrated Office
Assistant MBA KnowledgeMan Number Cruncher
Business Manager Information Mgr Report Manager Decision Manager
Consultant Professional Executive Profit Center
Framework Grid Benchmark Latitude
Easy Practical Intuit Smart
Ability Enable Handle Personal Decision
Open Access Golden Gate Propel Starburst
Aura It Ovation Encore
Lisa Jane Oman Hello Charlie
As is evident from the above list, Says PC Week of the Symphony -
1-2-3 and Symphony now have the Framework confrontation (5/22-3),
distinction of attracting over 50 "Grab a ringside seat and watch two
competitors. software heavyweights slug it out."
However, during the past few Byte (7/84-119) suggested, "This
months, it became evident to the summer's hottest battle won't be
computer community that the Contest between rival baseball teams or
had narrowed to a head-on clash even rival football leagues, but
between Lotus' Symphony and between the purveyors of integrated
Ashton-Tate's Framework. software."
Computer Advertising News
The New York Times (5/28-34) (6/30-10), in a full page story
dramatically depicted the status about the Symphony-Framework
and importance of this Contest: advertising duel, began its
"The attention of the industry is coverage with the observation,
focused on a battle brewing between "Neither the Democratic and
two of the biggest and best-known Republican conventions nor the
players: Lotus, based in Cambridge, Olympic games figure to be as
Mass., and Ashton-Tate of Culver bitterly fought as this summer's
City, Calif." other contest - the battle between
Lotus and Ashton-Tate."
Continued the Times: "The success
of these two products may deter- PC Magazine portrayed the intensity
mine which company becomes the of the conflict as follows: "War
premier provider of office produc- seems to be the appropriate word to
tivity software to the nation's describe Ashton-Tate's marketing
largest customers." strategy for Framework."
O T H E R G U R U S (Continued)
The N.Y.1-2-3/Symphony Users Group, Our third speaker was Adam Green,
recognizing the historic importance one of the chief critics of
of the Symphony-Framework Contest, Symphony and a leading proponent of
is presenting a program of Framework. Adam Green made a
activities over a span of five "live" presentation of Framework
months which we believe will equip before our group and engaged in a
our Members to go beyond "watching heated discussion with our members
two software heavyweights slug it about the relative merits of
out" and will actually provide them Symphony and Framework.
with enough information to reach an
appropriate choice in this historic Our fourth presentation was a
decision. point-by-point comparison of
Symphony and Framework by
See the July Newsletter for a Press Micro-Trek, with "live"
Release we issued describing in presentations of the two programs
detail the five month agenda of side-by-side. Members were able to
activities we are presenting, observe the relative advantages of
associated with the Symphony the two programs when performing
Framework confrontation. similar tasks.
Our agenda began with an kick-off Our five part series concludes with
talk by Michelle Preston on the a talk by Douglas Cobb on November
topic, "Symphony and the Future of 7. His talk will be the
Integrated Software". Michelle counter-part of Adam Green's
Preston is widely regarded as one presentation. Adam Green indicated
of the leading financial analysts why he believed Framework was a
on Wall Street, and her talk, superior program to Symphony. Doug
coming on the eve of the release of Cobb will defend the opposite
the Symphony and Framework position, in explaining why he
Programs, was regarded of great believes that Symphony is a
significance to the computer superior program to Framework.
Doug Cobb is currently in the
Our second meeting featured a forefront of the Symphony
"live" presentation of Symphony by community, having written an
Chris Morgan, Vice President of outstanding textbook entitled,
Communications for Lotus and the "Mastering Symphony" and having
principal spokesperson of the established a new periodical,
Company to the computer community. called, "The Symphony Users
We were also fortunate to have Journal." In addition to Doug's
Chris offer our Newsletter a two comments on the Symphony-Framework
part interview on Symphony, which debate, members will have an
we included in the July and August opportunity at our meeting to learn
issues. more about his Users Journal.
OTHER GURUS (Continued)
While we have been delighted to On page 24, under the title,
have been able to play a major role "A Crack in the Framework" appear
in the in the Symphony-Framework several of the the reasons why
debate during the past six months, software users have turned to
we are also happy to report that Symphony over Framework in
Symphony, with each passing week, overwhelming numbers. In its
is more clearly establishing itself reviews of Framework, the computer
as the winner in this historic press has provided an incredible
software confrontation. array of reasons why consumers
should be wary about using the
The debate over the merits of Framework program.
Symphony and Framework continues in
the computer media, but by now the The computer community reaction to
integrated software users, the the Symphony Framework debate has
ultimate judges in this contest, been extensively reported in the
have had an adequate opportunity to computer press. For example,
cast their votes. PC Week (7/3-14) declared Symphony
to be an early victor in this
As shown on pages 4 and 5 of our Contest under the banner headline,
newsletter, Symphony is running "Survey Sees Symphony Winning 1st
neck and neck with 1-2-3 for first Movement."
place in the integrated software
market. This has been the case Stated PC Week: "The well
since early July, when Symphony was publicized confrontation between
first introduced to the public. Lotus's Symphony and Ashton-Tate's
Framework begins this week, and
Framework, on the other hand, while indications are that the first
briefly in the top 10 during the round will go to Lotus."
first week of its introduction,
slipped almost immediately out of Observed PC Week (7/3-1) "Symphony
the top 10, and has almost was shipped on time; Framework
continuously fallen since then, to missed deadline."
now occupy the unenviable position
of #20 in the business software Harvey Bundy III, a software
market. industry analyst with Chicago's
William Blair & Co., said that a
Enough time has now passed and delay of more than a month could
enough votes have been cast in this hurt Framework sales by as much as
Contest to make it highly unlikely 20% if the products are roughly
that Framework will ever equivalent (PC Week 7/10-4).
effectively compete with Symphony.
So what was billed as a major Bundy also observed, "I've heard
contest between Framework and lots of people say, `When do I get
Symphony has in fact turned out to Symphony?' I haven`t heard anybody
be a runaway victory for Symphony. say `When do I get Framework?'"
OTHER GURUS (Continued)
PC Week continues, "Interviews with The InfoWorld article concludes
PC coordinators of 10 medium sized with a quote from Dr. Bernard
to large businesses turned up Backhaut, Chairperson of the N.Y.
substantial interest in Symphony. 1-2-3/Symphony Users Group: "We
Only two were unaware of the took a poll of our users and found
product. Five said they planned to that 80 percent were going to
buy at least one copy for upgrade to Symphony."
evaluation, and, of those, four
said they could forsee uses for The failure of Framework to provide
several copies." significant competition to Symphony
in the judgment of the "bottom
On the other hand, PC Week found line" judges - the computer user
that "only four of the 10 were community - should come as no
aware of Framework, and only two suprise to followers of the
said they expected to compare it integrated software marketplace.
with Symphony." Recent news stories have depicted
the collapse or demise of several
would-be challengers of Lotus
Similarly, InfoWorld (9/24-12), products.
writing under the banner, "Symphony
Leads Framework - Many Users For example, InfoWorld carries the
Upgrading from 1-2-3", reports, following headline in its October 1
"Lotus Development's Symphony has issue, page 13: "Business Solutions
made a fast break out of the Folds - Lack of venture capital and
starting gate in its integrated poor sales are cited."
software race with Ashton-Tate's
Framework. Many users of Lotus' The article begins, "Business
1-2-3 are upgrading with the "1-2-3 Solutions Inc. in King Park, New
to Symphony" product, and dealers York, is folding because of
report many customers are buying insufficient venture capital
the Symphony package outright. funding and lack of sales of its
much-touted integrated product,
The InfoWorld article continues Jack2."
with a quote from Craig Fertal of
Quest Computers, a computer dealer Earlier this year, Jack2 had staged
in Palo Alto, California, "I can't a major advertising campaign,
speak for other dealers, but I've claiming its superiority over 1-2-3
sold one copy of Framework and 10 in a public contest, whose results
copies of the Symphony upgrade." were strongly criticized in the
computer press by Dr. Backhaut.
InfoWorld reports: "The five
ComputerLand outlets of Phoenix, The InfoWorld article reports that
Arizona have had experiences Business Solutions had spent
similar to Quest's. `We've got a $3 million to $5 million in
lot of orders in for the Symphony promoting Jack2, prior to the
upgrade,' says Pat Perelli, `We've product's collapse. One can only
also sold 25 copies of Symphony in speculate how much Framework will
the last week. We've started off spend contesting Symphony before it
real light with Framework.'" will reach a similar conclusion.
A considerable number of criticisms PC Week (8/7-124) also notes,
of Framework have now appeared in "Framework cannot automatically
the computer press. convert keystrokes to upper case,
so a programmer developing an
In this article, we review the application must make it test
major criticisms of Framework which separately for upper- and
have recently appeared in ten of lower-case responses to user
the leading computer journals. prompts.
PC Week (4/7-1) points out that, Personal Software (7/84-99) claims
unlike Symphony, Framework cannot that Framework appears to run
run on a single disk drive system, slower than 1-2-3.
making it unadaptable to use on
portable computer systems. The
article also notes that Framework Computer and Electronics (8/84-43)
is not aimed at number-crunchers. points out that, with respect to
Framework's alleged superiority in
In a subsequent issue, PC Week word processing capabilities,
(7/10) reports "Company spokesmen superscripting and subscripting
announced that Ashton-Tate has have not been included in
scrapped its plan to recommend use Framework, no page breaks within a
of the product on PCS with a mere frame are possible, and a section
256K bytes of memory. Instead it of a document cannot be referenced
will recommend the use of PC's with by page number - the frame must be
a minimum of 384K bytes. Since paged through a screen at a time.
Lotus is advising a minimum of 320K
bytes for Symphony, the change Furthermore, C&E reports that
means Framework will lose tha Framework does not have the
advantage of being able to run on a capability to "jump" directly to a
smaller system than Symphony and it specific cell - entering data in
will pick up the disadvantage of other than row order requires two
requiring an even larger one." keystrokes between each entry
instead of one.
And in a later issue(7/17-3), PC
Week remarks, "Framework stores The Computers & Electronics review
data in memory much less also claims that adding and
efficiently than competing deleting rows is more clumsy than
products. A 384K byte system can in competitor's products.
handle a speadsheet of 1,860 cells
or 270 database records of 10 The Computers & Electronics article
fields each or 42 pages of text." concludes, "Framework's greatest
Comments Ashton-Tate's president, weakness is that it does not
David Cole, "This thing eat's tightly integrate the word
memory. We knew it was a memory processing and spreadsheet
hog all the way along." functions."
A C R A C K I N T H E F R A M E W O R K (Continued)
Byte (8/84-122) points out, "On a Popular Computing (9/84-102) warns,
monochrome monitor, Framework's "The automatic linking accomplished
word processor does not produce by Symphony's single worksheet is
true what-you-see-is-what-you-get not in effect in Framework.
output." Indeed, if you want one frame to
reflect changes made in another,
Byte also warns that even though you must interlock them overtly by
Framework offers a DOS window, "As inserting a reference to the second
Framework cannot control all the frame in the first."
screen handling routines employed
by an external program, it may not Popular Computing adds, "Those
be possihle to run within a partial whose work involves complex
screen window - the program itself analyses of numerical data and the
might grab the whole screen." creation of reports based on such
analyses will probably be happier
As for the much heralded outlining with Symphony."
feature of Framework, Byte offers
the following reservation, "This is
the first time that outline Robert Quinn, in Computer Living,
processing has been brought into (8/84-8) observes, "Symphony's form
integrated business software as a creation seems to be easier, more
major organizing feature. It is flexible, more powerful, and can
unfamiliar and not necessarily handle more records than Framework.
suited to the working styles that For example, using a 512K RAM IBM
the software marketplace has caused PC, I created identical databases
many users to adopt." in each package which had five
fields, each having nine
List (8/84-104) cautions, characters. Framework would accept
"Virtually everything you do with slightly under 600 records before I
Framework must be broken down into got a "memory full" message.
categories and organized in a Symphony accepted more than 2,800
logical manner. In word records."
processing, particularly, you're
forced to do this because of the With regard to communications, the
32K size limit of any individual Computer Living article says,
frame." "Framework's communications mode
was something of a last-minute
List also notes, "In its graphics patch job."
mode, Framework is limited to
traditional business graphs, and it The article also compares the speed
must derive its data from a of the Symphony and Framework
spreadsheet. Framework lacks the pacages and reports: "Framework
powerful Lisa-like free-draw seems to be considerably slower
capability." doing spreadsheet calculations."
A C R A C K I N T H E F R A M E W O R K (Continued)
Personal Computer World (8/84-120) The Personal Computer World article
warns a potential Framework user, also notes, "An interesting feature
"If you want to include spreadsheet of Symphony which is not permitted
data in a word processor document, in Framework is the ability to
you have to get devious and contain change the type of a window."
frames within frames. Although
this works, it is very clumsy, and The same article observes,
getting the imported data exactly "Symphony's spreadsheet calcu-
where you want it can be a lations are decidely faster than
problem." those of Framework's. Ashton-Tate
claims that Framework's spreadsheet
Adds Personal Computer World, "When can be used for accounts ledgers,
you look at Symphony, you'll see cash flow analysis, job cost
that it's much easier to estimates and budget preparation,
incorporate selected spreadsheet yet it's worth questioning how easy
data." it would be to implement this sort
of project."
Continues Personal Computer World,
"If you inadvertently press a key To back up this contention,
for too long, you can be treated to Personal Computer World reports a
a lengthly sequence of redraws benchmark test, which found that
while the software catches up. integer and decimal recalculation
This sequence can take several time for Framework was 2 rows per
seconds to finish and is second while for Symphony, it was
unstoppable." 48 rows per second, making Symphony
24 times as fast as Framework in
The Personal Computer World article this task.
considers in detail the capability
to switch modes from spreadsheet to PC Magazine (11/13-35) reports,
word processing and concludes, "The battle for supremacy between
"This ability to switch modes on the new "super" integrated software
the fly is one of the most packages has been given a new
impressive aspects of Symphony. If wrinkle with the introduction of
you attempted to perform the above the IBM PC-AT."
example in Framework, the job would
be much more difficult." Continues PC Magazine, "The AT
knocks Framework completely out of
The same article adds, "Moving data the ring. Officials at Ashton-Tate
is another area where Symphony would not reveal a patch or other
scores heavily over Framework." method to retrofit the program for
IBM's new computer."
With regard to available functions,
Personal Computer World observes, However, with regard to Symphony,
"Symphony can offer: @ROUND, @RAND, PC Magazine adds, "Symphony gains
@ISNUMBER and a few other functions the AT advantage over Framework.
which have no counterpart in We found an easy way to get the
Framework." program running on the AT."
A C R A C K I N T H E F R A M E W O R K (Continued)
With regard to word processing, PC World concludes its discussion
PC World (11/84-151) observes, on the data base module of
"Changes in a document are not Framework by noting, "The most
automatically recalculated on the critical function missing from the
table of contents." PC World also DBMS is multiple-key sorts. Only
notes, "Two features Framework does one field can be sorted at a time."
not support are multiple fonts and
proportional spacing." PC World next moves to
communications, "The tele-
With respect to spreadsheets, communications portion of
PC World warns, "Advanced 1-2-3 Framework, called MITE, was
users may find Framework's obviously tacked on at the last
spreadsheet less powerful than they minute." Continues PC World, "MITE
would like." In support of the does not use pull-down menus and it
above statement, PC World observes, uses the function keys in a
"The spreadsheet lacks the ability different way than the rest of
to split screens and name ranges." Framework does."
Furthermore, "you cannot point to a
range by moving backwards. Adds PC World, "MITE's menus are
not very helpful, and it requires a
As for printing a spreadsheet, the separate data file for the numbers
article cautions, "The ability to and parameters of each remote
print a range is also omitted; the system you call."
print function will only print the
whole spreadsheet." The article in PC World next
criticizes Framework's document-
PC World agrees with the other ation, "The tutorial is only
press reviews with regard to the marginally interactive and is
lack of speed of Framework, "The almost an insult to the user's
spreadsheet is not a speed demon intelligence."
like Lotus Development's
1-2-3." PC World adds, "The biggest The PC World article also has this
hurdle potential converts will face important warning, "My commercial
is Framework's lack of emphasis on release of Framework does not
huge spreadsheets." always save files on my PC. It
works perfectly only about 60
PC World then turns its attention percent of the time on my PC. The
to the data base mode of Framework, other 40 percent of the time, the
"A spreadsheet and a data base can program hangs up without saving all
be linked. However, only a one way my precious work, and I have to
flow is possible - information from reboot to start the program. If
the data base can go into the this problem persists, I predict a
spreadsheet, but not vice versa." rocky road ahead for the program."
Continues PC World, "Generating The author of the PC World article
reports is not as simple as it adds, "I expect the <Ins> key to
should be. To organize and print toggle between the insert and
any report other than the whole overtype modes, but in Framework
data base, you will have to write a the <Ins> key calls the last
FRED program." pull-down menu you used."
A C R A C K I N T H E F R A M E W O R K (Continued)
The PC World article quoted on the The author of a Framework review in
previous page continues, "You can Microcomputing (11/84-62) begins,
only move a block to the position "Right after I first began using
after the cursor. Standard Framework, I started encountering
practice is to insert before the system crashes. The computer would
cursor. Because Framework inserts lock up and the only way out was a
blocks after the cursor, you can cold start."
never move a block to the first
position in a frame. You have to Continues Microcomputing, "The most
move it to the second position, dismaying part was that whatever
then move whatever is ahead of it had been on the disk in the file I
to the position behind it. This is was using was also gone, dumped out
a roundabout and awkward method." like a child's toys on the floor."
The PC World article also notes, If this were not enough of a
"The clock in the upper right hand headache, Microcomputing continues,
corner of the screen can be "In addition, the screen occasion-
annoying. It ticks whether you ally locked up with what appeared
want it to or not. Seeing that to be snow all over it."
motion from the corner of my eye
distracts me, but I can find no way Microcomputing also adds a speed
to turn it off." test between Framework and
Symphony, consisting of 26 columns
In the same vein, the author of the and 50 rows. 1-2-3 took 4.12
PC World article requests, "I would seconds and Symphony 4.82 seconds,
also like to be able to turn off about the same, but Framework took
the twitching status line on the 45.61 seconds, approximately 10
bottom of the screen." times longer than either 1-2-3 or
Symphony. (page 71)
The author of the PC World article
finally laments, "One other Microcomputing also found, with a
weakness is the method of print 640K computer, "On Framework, you
queueing. Framework writes a print can build a spreadsheet no larger
file to the disk before printing it than 26 columns by 70 rows. In
then it spools from the disk file Symphony, you can have a
and eventually erases the file. If spreadsheet of 26 by 278." This
there is not enough space on the gives Symphony an advantage in size
disk, Framework will print from of approximately 4 to 1.
memory. In that case, there is no
spooling and you must wait for the Concludes Microcomputing, "Symphony
file to print before you continue is still better with numbers and
to work." spreadsheets than anything else
available. It's the ideal
Concludes the author, "This is one spreadsheeter's package. Financial
of the weakest print spoolers I types, accountants and others
have seen on a PC; it's only dealing in detailed numbers
marginally better than no spooler analysis and modeling will be
at all." comfortable with Symphony."
A C R A C K I N T H E F R A M E W O R K (Continued)
We conclude our summary of PC Week then moves on to databases,
Framework reviews with a recent only to report, "Unfortunately, 200
evaluation appearing in PC Week records was about the most we could
(9/11-48). cram into the available workspace
on our 512K byte system. Like the
The article begins with an overall spreadsheet, Framework's database
evaluation: "Our verdict? Frame- consumes an enormous amount of
work is very sophisticated in a memory."
number of ways but doesn't appear
all too comfortable working within PC Week also notes,"Database sorts
the memory and processor are limited to one field."
constraints of the PC."
And if you want to bring in dBASE
files, PC Week cautions, "You'll
Continues the PC Week article, "In have to allocate about 10 bytes of
every formal and informal test Framework memory per single byte of
situation we could devise, a dBASE file. There seems to be a
Framework and its files appeared to 10 to one expansion of file size
consume an inordinate amount of during the translation process."
memory, and even on the 8087
equipped unit, to turn in sluggish PC Week concludes its review of
performance." Framework with a discussion of the
program's documentation, "Unfor-
The article goes on to warn, "If tunately, we found the Fred
you think this program is a documentation uninformative and
replacement for the number obtuse. There is no tutorial on
crunching capabilities of 1-2-3, Fred, not a single complete program
heaven help you." example and not the slightest hint
about where or how a Fred program
Explains PC Week, "You can should be written or invoked. It's
anticipate giving up 55 bytes of as if someone told you everything
memory to each cell in your there is to know about cars, but
spreadsheet. Any spreadsheet neglected to mention that you need
larger than 50 columns by 100 rows a key to start the engine."
will easily overtax a 512K byte
system in no time." ------
Concludes PC Week about Framework's In this review of articles from ten
spreadsheet capabilities, of the major computer publications,
"Framework's performance as a we have attempted to present a
"spreadsheet cruncher" leaves much comprehensive discussion of
to be desired. A 10 by 50 cell Framework as reported in the
templates that used the square root computer media.
function (@SQRT) as well as a
number squared, took one minute and However, we should note that for
twenty seconds to recalculate. The 1-2-3 users, perhaps the most
same formula recalculated in 17 important consideration is that
seconds under Symphony on a they can obtain Symphony for only
standard PC." (A ratio of about 5 $200 while Framework will cost
to 1). $700, or $500 more.
W H O ' S O N 1 2 A N D 3
FAIRS NIVIA CRUZ 212-799-7161 (H)
Symphony Users. Job Bank.
Barbara Brown of Morgan Guaranty is The Job Bank continues to receive
organizing a Special Interest Group numerous calls from organizations
for actual users of the Symphony in the New York area for persons
Program. The purpose of this Group listed in the Job Bank who are
is to provide mutual assistance to available for full or part time
its Members in actual utilization work, utilizing 1-2-3 or Symphony.
of the Symphony Program.
Several large corporations have
The activities of this Group will requested names from our Job Bank,
depend upon the interests of its and we urge individuals with
Members. Please contact Barbara expertise in 1-2-3 and Symphony to
Brown for futher details. register.
The highly successful Beginning and We will be offering two courses -
Advanced Symphony Courses being Beginning and Advanced - both
offered by the New York 1-2-3/ meeting for five consecutive weeks,
Symphony Users Group are to be one evening per week, from 7 p.m.
repeated, beginning January 7. to 9 p.m. The Advanced Course will
meet immediately following the
completion of the Beginning Course.
We are pleased to announce that Both courses will be taught by
Money Magazine, published by Time Dr. Backhaut, Chairperson of the
Inc., will be acting as the host to N.Y. 1-2-3/Symphony Users Group.
our next Symphony Courses. The cost of each course is $50.
Classes will be held in a large Because of the large interest
Conference room at the World already expressed in these courses,
Headquarters of Time Inc., in two sections will be made available
Rockefeller Center, at 6th Avenue for each course, meeting on consec-
and 50th Street. This location is utive Mondays or Tuesdays. However
easily accessible from all areas of it is still recommended that stu-
Manhattan. dents enroll as soon as possible,
since space is limited. Classes
Money Magazine will also be begin on January 7 and January 8.
providing excellent computer
facilities for use in the To enroll in a Symphony course,
presentation of our courses. please complete the form below.
NAME: __________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________
CITY: __________________________ STATE: ________________________________
WORK PHONE: _________________________ HOME PHONE: _______________________
BEGINNING: __________________________ ADVANCED: ________________________
MONDAY CLASSES: _____________________ TUESDAY CLASSES: _________________
To enroll, make out a check payable to NYPC and mail it to:
Symphony Classes c/o Dr. Bernard Backhaut, 2 Pierrepont Street,
Brooklyn NY 11201
For further information, call 212-596-0772.
January 7, 8 Spreadsheets
January 14, 15 Windows & Graphics
January 21, 22 Word Processing
January 28, 29 Data Base Management
February 4, 5 Elementary Applications
February 11, 12 Communications
February 18, 23 Command Language - 1
February 25, 30 Command Language - 2
March 4, 5 Advanced Applications - 1
March 11, 12 Advanced Applications - 2
The text for the course is "Using Symphony" by Douglas Cobb.
Note: Students enrolling in the Symphony Courses are presumed to
have a "working" knowledge of 1-2-3. Those aspects of
Symphony which also appear in 1-2-3 will be assumed
to be known by the student.
by Al Merkle, Software Librarian
Welcome to our Software Library. We will also be expanding our 1-2-3
We are happy to report that, library to include what our judges
beginning with this month, we will deem to be the ten best submissions
be offering disks for Symphony in our own 1-2-3 Contest.
users, as well as continuing to
provide software for 1-2-3 These disks, being outstanding
enthusiasts. examples of the use of 1-2-3, are
certain to be extremely popular
All of our disks may be purchased with our Members. We are trying to
for $8 at our Users Group meetings, have these disks assembled in a
or for $10 by mail. Checks are to form appropriate for distribution
be made out to NYPC and should be by our Library by the time the
mailed to the addresses indicated Contest winners have been selected.
We continue to offer the following
The first two disks we will be 1-2-3 disks:
offering to Symphony users were
provided to our Club by Lotus. UTILITY 1-2-3. This has, so far,
They are: been our most popular disk.
Utility 1-2-3 is used in
.Lotus Macro Contest Winners. This conjunction with 1-2-3 to gain more
is a choice selection of Macros efficient and better looking
drawn from a Contest held results. Included is an ASCII
internally at Lotus to promote the character generator which will
appreciation and understanding of allow the user to place any of the
Symphony Macros. Anyone seriously 256 ASCII text characters on the
considering the development of worksheet, and a Printer Control
Symphony Macros should regard this Generator which will allow the
disk as a "must." mixing of various font types and
styles such as boldface, compressed
.Decoding of 1-2-3 and Symphony print, and underlining.
Files. This disk, also provided by
Lotus to our Library, supplies KEY II DEMO DISKETTE. This demo
users of Symphony and 1-2-3 with a diskette gives the user a great
detailed byte-by-byte breakdown of introduction to KEY II, a very
the Lotus files they create. While useful and time saving program.
providing valuable insight into
file structures to all users of TAX 4-5-6. A tax program that
Lotus programs, the Decode disk helps keep track of, and calculates
will be especially appreciated by your taxes. Includes printable,
applications developers. IRS approved forms.
Send your requests for Symphony Send your requests for 1-2-3 disks
disks to: to:
Symphony Disks
163 Joralemon Street Alphonse Merkle
Suite 1102 PO Box 7557
Brooklyn NY 11201 Flushing NY 11352
ROOM 207
We are now in the process of updating the Database of our Users Group.
We are requesting that each person who has not yet done so fill in the
form below and return it to:
N.Y. 1-2-3 Database
c/o Dr. Bernard Backhaut
2 Pierrepont Street
Brooklyn NY 11201
The purpose of the Database is to enable us to inform each of the Heads
of our Subgroups of your interest in further information about their
activities. Thank you.
NAME: _______________________________ORGANIZATION: ____________________
ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________
PHONE: _________________________________________________________________
I would like futher information about the following activities of the
New York 1-2-3 Users Group:
____ 1-2-3 Phone Network ____ Symphony Users Group
____ 1-2-3 Bulletin Board ____ Corporate Group
____ Symphony Beginning Course ____ Investment Group
____ Symphony Advanced Course ____ Accounting Group
____ Contest Committee ____ Database Group
____ Fair Committee ____ Micro-Mainframe Group
____ Software Evaluation ____ Word Processing Group
____ Software Library ____ Graphics Group
____ Job Bank ____ Macro Group
Those unable to attend meetings of Advertising rates for the NYPC
the N.Y. 1-2-3/Symphony Users 1-2-3 Newsletter are as follows:
Group may receive the NYPC
1-2-3/Symphony Newsletter through $60.00 - full page
the mail. $30.00 - half page
$15.00 - quarter page
To subscribe for one year, make out
a check for $15 payable to NYPC and All ads must be paid in advance.
send it to: Ads must be submitted in camera
ready form. 10% discount for
1-2-3 Subscriptions paid orders of three or more
c/o Dr.Bernard Backhaut insertions.
2 Pierrepont Street
Brooklyn NY 11201 To place an ad, make out a check
payable to NYPC and send it to:
Back issues may be obtained at
$1.50 per issue. 1-2-3 Advertising
c/o Dr. Bernard Backhaut
A free 1/4 page ad is available 2 Pierrepont Street
with each subscription. Brooklyn NY 11201
1-2-3 Newsletter
c/o Dr. Bernard Backhaut
2 Pierrepont Street
Brooklyn NY 11201